Human potential, submersion

New release!

Human Potential is a split album by submersion records featuring music by bellerophone and Rabbi Meerkat.

bellerophone I Zivilisation

Presents a 24 minute composition (Zivilisation) starting off with a section based on field recordings then easing into an ambient drone. Rhythm is introduced for the second half of the piece made out of Jimmy Carter’s “malaise speech” segments and phase phenomena.. Mixed with drones and field recordings create an unsettling atmosphere.

Mixed with drones and field recordings create an unsettling atmosphere.

More about the release here


Mastered by

Dimitris Santziliotis


Digital release

Conceived and mixed

Dimitris Santziliotis


Decompression Graphics

Sound sources

Processed Feedback Tape Loops, Roland System-100m, Roland RE-201 Space Echo


Submersion records, 2021


In search of the riff, attenuation circuit

New release!

I am happy to announce the release of my new album “In search of the riif” by Attenuation Circuit Records, 2020.

bellerophone I In search of the riff


Mastered by

bellerophone, 2020


Digital release

Conceived and mixed

bellerophone, 2020



Sound sources

Processed Feedback Tape Loops, Roland System-100m, Roland RE-201 Space Echo


Attenuation Circuit Records, 2020


Greek electronic music composers

New compilation is out now!

I am pleased to announce my participation in the new compilation released by “A man out of a Man ltd” ft. tracks from:

*Dimitris Kamarotos *Antonis Livieratos *Achileas Charmpilas *bellerophone *Big Fat Lips *The Hydra *ION *Joalz *Yannis Karr *Right Knider *Sone Urbia *Videogame Orchestra

Greek Electronic Music Composers in Science Fiction Fields: Various Artists | [ A Man Out Of A Man Ltd ]

A brilliant compilation of current experimental and electronic Greek musicians, bands and producers, creating sounds for sci-fi soundscapes.


Mastered by

Dimitris Papadatos


C-60 Cassette (+digital downloads)


Stylianos Tziritas


A man out of a Man ltd, 2016


Straw dog, attenuation circuit

New release is out!

I am happy to announce the release of my new album “Straw Dog” by Attenuation Circuit, Germany

bellerophone I Straw Dog

The sage lives without bias,
Regarding humankind
as precious straw dogs.

Reflections on Chapter 5 of the Tao Te Ching:

Heaven and Earth are without bias,
Treating the Ten Thousand Things
As precious meaningless straw dogs.

The sage lives without bias,
Regarding humankind
as precious straw dogs.

The space between Heaven and Earth
is like a bellows…
Empty and yet, providing a never-ending supply
of words and meaning,
exhausting itself.

Better to chose moderation
and pay attention to the Silence within.


released June 28, 2016


Mastered by

bellerophone, 2016



Conceived and mixed

bellerophone, 2016


Attenuation Circuit Records, Germany


Encore vol 1 Live Festival at sixdogs

Hello everyone!

I am happy to announce that I will be taking part in the Encore vol 1 Live Festival at sixdogs, Athens on May 27th, 2016

Encore vol 1 Live Festival at sixdogs, Athens

Project Space May 27, 2016 – 22:15 with

Stylianos Tziritas – clarinet

Vasia Bakogianni – voice

George Kanavos – spoken word

Antonis Xagas – spoken word/theremin

Odysseas Tziritas – guitar

Îśore about the festival here

Illusion of safety, attenuation circuit

Hello everyone!

I am happy to announce the release of my new album “Illusion of Safety” by Attenuation Circuit Records.

bellerophone | Illusion of Safety

live improvisations

Two unsettling pieces from a series of live improvisations, using Roland System 1OOM modular synthesizer, Roland RE-201 Space Echo, MoogerFooger Ring Modulator, Boss DD3 digital delay, tape loops and no input mixing console.



bellerophone, 2015


Cassette (limited edition 20 copies – after selling out: free download on bandcamp)

Conceived and mixed

bellerophone, 2014


Attenuation Circuit Records, Germany


Do you feel lucky? Vinyl black CD-R

bellerophone | Do You Feel Lucky?

Back in the 70s, through Brian Eno’s involvement with Harmonia and Cluster, a new breed of ambient electronic music emerged. Eno helped, or for others, used those bands and their approach towards music but for sure their team up resulted in a series of great original albums. Using similar hardware and recording strategies bellerophone pays a tribute to those unique musicians projecting the vibe of those Frost days in 21st century dystopian atmosphere.

Dystopian atmosphere


Mastered by



Vinyl black CD-R in black envelope

Recorded and produced

2013-2014 by bellerophone


bellerophone – Self Release


Uses of gravity, From a tree records

Hello everyone!

I am happy to announce the release of my new album “Uses of Gravity” by From A Tree Records * I would like to dedicate it to the memory of Giannis Simogiannis (1952-2014), a man that made people smile.

bellerophone I Uses of gravity

Built around neglected recordings, products of moments with my long lost first modular synthesizer

“Uses of Gravity” gives the opportunity to forgotten sounds, created under different circumstances and reasons, come to surface acting as the foundation for new soundscapes. Continuing from the point reached with “do you feel lucky”, not so much in style but in compositional philosophy, “Uses of Gravity” moves into more abstract and spontaneous forms, aiming towards a raw production methodology.


Mastered by

by James Plotkin 2014


Digital release

Conceived and mixed

2013-2014 by bellerophone


Originally Released by From A Tree Records


Sonic sculptures, setola di maiale

Hello everyone!

A busy and exciting month ends with my live debut at the 2nd Improv Music Festival organized by More Mars and Angelos Kyriou. I would like to thank all the friends who attended. Also, the 17th issue of the IRRELEVATED compilation from Attenuation Circuit features a new unreleased composition for cassette and modular synth, “Invest in Ugliness”.

I would also like to announce the digital release of the album “Sonic Sculptures” in 2010 by Attenuation Circuit, Germany.

bellerophone I Sonic Sculptures

Sonic Sculptures is the outcome of a process that can be described as a game

Custom MaxMSP interface creates unpredictable sonic environments. Suitable for unlimited live improvisations utilizes tape simulators, analogue style sequencing, pfft filtering and sine-wave oscillators to create layers of sounds that can be recorded and reprocessed live through an unending process.


Mastered by

bellerophone, 2010


CDR (housed in a folder with silver/black)

Conceived and mixed

Athens 2008-2009 by bellerophone




Originally Released by Setola di Maiale
